Integrated ROS capabilities for planning, predicate inference, gripper control, and perception for use with the KUKA LBR IIWA and Universal Robots.
This section includes the code to manage the MoveIt collision detection and a few other utilities that provide useful services for creating powerful robot programs.
MoveIt collision detection: creates a PlanningScene based on detected objects, plus adds a table.
Run with:
roslaunch moveit_collision_environment colision_env.launch mesh_source:=$(find moveit_collision_environment)/data/mesh tableTFname:=ar_marker_2 defineParent:=true parentFrameName:=/world
Recording point clouds: this is used to collect data and scan objects. Run with:
rosrun point_cloud_recorder _id:=$OBJECT_NAME _camera:=$CAMERA_ID
This will expose the /record_camera
rosservice which can be called from a UI node. Files will be created wherever you ran the point cloud recorder.
Roslaunch would look something like:
<node name="point_cloud_recorder" pkg="point_cloud_recorder" type="">
<param name="id" value="NameOfMyObject"/>
<param name="camera" value="kinect2"/>
Setting up parameters (For example for setting up package object_on_table_segmenter